Remembrane_Spider_Matija Lukić_49.jpg

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In a bent world a lonely cowgirl finds her unexpected expression in rage, loneliness and self-destruction. REMEMBRANE investigates how movement and words can become accelerated tools for blurring the lines between existence and the imagination and what that means in the context of the theater. It is a multi-layered body glitch enquiring what it feels to be one entity while being many and the complexity of shifting between combat and serenity, identity and the search for one, brokenness and a whole. 

Sigrid won the moving forward trajectory with Remembrane in 2017 and was granted the moving forward trajectory. This resulted in the solo work Hope and Heavy Metal.

Advisor: Katerina Bakatsaki, Joaquin Wall
Mentor: Ana Vujanovic
Light Design: Vinny Jones
Costume Design: Eun Kjong Hwang
Curation: Susan Gibb
Production: Stephanie Luhn, Ella Van Roon
Songs: Vilde Tuv
Thank You: Nanna Stigsdatter Mathiassen, Adam Lempel, Jija Sohn, Yui Nakagami, Antonia Steffens, SNDO3 Crew, The Blaze, PJ Harvey, Andrea, Duan, Estefano, Juan, Mao, Tea.  
Photo credits: Matija Lukic (1,4,5,6,7) Nellie De Boer (2,3,8,9,10,11,12,13)
Rmembrane has been shown at: Frascati Theater Ams, Brakke Grond ITS Festival Ams, Dansmarkers Moving Forward Ams, Spider Festival Ljbl, Tanzquartier RAKETE Vienna, Podium Bloos Breda.


